JSF - PrimeFaces Hello World Example using WildFly and Maven7 minsA detailed step-by-step tutorial in which we build and run a Hello World PrimeFaces example using WildFly and Maven
Apache CXF - JAX-WS - Logging Request and Response SOAP Messages using Log4j8 minsA code sample which shows how to configure Apache CXF to log the request and response SOAP messages using Log4j.
Apache CXF - JAX-WS - Logging Request and Response SOAP Messages using Log4j28 minsA code sample which shows how to configure Apache CXF to log the request and response SOAP messages using Log4j2.
Apache CXF - Feature vs Interceptor2 minsThis post explains the difference between an Apache CXF feature and an interceptor and how they are linked.
JSF - Login Servlet Filter Example9 minsA detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to implement a JSF login servlet filter example using PrimeFaces, Spring Boot, and Maven.
JMS - Publish/Subscribe messaging ESxample using ActiveMQ and Maven12 minsA JMS Publish/Subscribe messaging example using ActiveMQ and Maven.